Sociology Paper: The Subculture of Corrections (Case Study) > Prison rehabilitation :

Essay by mrjatinchopraHigh School, 12th grade December 2003

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The Subculture of Corrections (Case Study) > Prison rehabilitation :

The rising inmate population is overcrowding the prisons and this mania is very unfortunate and has become a major problem especially in Massachusetts: The taxpayers have to pay a sum of 40 grand for each prisoner that walks into a Mass Prison! This problem has many sociologists and criminologists worried, asking the question, "Is prison really helping in the rehabilitation process or is it being a hangout for other criminals?" Some think that the money is being wasted on repeat offenders such as 'X' who practice deviance in their every-day mundane life. They have a lack of prison rehabilitation say some prison guards, like this one named Jeffrey B. Cohan who has created his site, in his free time . Prisoners thus due to their anomie views never get a chance to really rehabilitate. They wear the stigma, the orange jumpsuit again and again every time they are forced back into prison from society.

Why do they keep coming back is a good question. Some explain this with two theories, the control and the strain theory, which both state that deviance is natural. Others, however, have a different point of view, referring to the cula

People have two different views about the prison system. The first group say that the rehabilitation process is no use exceptionally for the "criminally insane

The other group filled with positive-thinkers in the society has another view: They believe that the prisoners can rehabilitate, saying that everybody makes mistakes and that's what the prison is for, to rehabilitate. They say that after they learn their mistakes they will eventually assimilate and become one once again with society.

I feel that the "jails" are for criminals such as rapists, murderers and other criminals...