A Watership Down by Richard Adams. This essay compares the functions of the rabbits to those functions of our society, making it more than a children's story.

Essay by PipedreamHigh School, 11th gradeA+, March 2002

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The novel Watership Down by Richard Adams was originally created for the author's children on a car trip to Stratford. The story is not merely a fictional adventure created for children though. It has many aspects that reflect the modern world, history, new ideas, and human characteristics. These concepts and symbols make the novel appealing to both children and adults.

Watership Down is based from the perspective of the rabbits; they speak to eachother civilly. The rabbits have their own institutions such as religion, government, economics, education, and family. Similar to human history, the rabbits have held their own traditions. These include the Lapine religion they believe, stories told thoughout the novel by Pipkin, and creative poetry and arts. They select a leader, different in every warren. Some leaders are tyrants, some more democratic and kind. Along with the figure of authority, there is the Owsla, part of the political system.

This represents what we know as a representative body or congress, as in the United States, Britain and numerous other countries. The Elil are the enemies of the rabbits, one of their many threats, which they must think how to overcome and survive, even in times of stress. It is like a constant war to be fought and dealt with.

Although they still live like rabbits, they have the desire to be free and to live in a utopian, a concept animals do not normally have. In the Cowslip warren, the rabbits do not need to worry about basic needs such as food and watching for enemies, so they have time for recreation. They enjoy human activities such as singing, dancing, laughing, and creating portraits.

Along with participating in human activities, the rabbits have some of the same emotions that the reader can relate to. In the...