How we may be able to distinguish belief from true knowledge

Essay by KeirHigh School, 12th grade March 2006

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Theory of Knowledge Essay

As a Russian IB student who spent more than half of his 18 year life in China, I have been a witness to varied, conflicting and numerous forms of belief and knowledge. This led me to an opinion that every one of us perceives things differently and our diversified forms of knowledge and belief bring us to different conclusions and opinions on specific subjects. Our ethnicity, upbringing, nationality, as well as mentality all affect our believes and the knowledge we gain as well as make us think differently whether from emotion or reason. Nevertheless we must be able to distinguish belief from true knowledge. This is a basic instinct every intelligent human being should possess.

Residing in China and being an avid fan and student of history, I consider myself to be an observer, a witness who has lived through and seen the transformation of a poverty-stricken, backward, violent communist state into an economic powerhouse with a capitalist oriented economy, a booming population and wealth, as well as an increasing influence around the world.

But this is only the China one can see on the very surface. My life in China has given me an experience, an outlook not only from emotion but also reason. It has brought me an in depth knowledge of this society. This very knowledge has aroused in me various beliefs. Beliefs in turn stem from emotion or vice versa. What I have read, seen, heard and lived through in China brought me to certain conclusions about this nation, its people, political system and mentality. One interesting example or aspect I noticed is the Chinese people's present and constant admiration and desire of to maintain the cult of personality of the controversial Chairman Mao Ze Dong, simply because of certain persisting...