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Search term: belief-that

The Republic by Plato

... his beliefs on justice and virtue to show how these ideals could be implemented. Plato then goes on to say that ... rulers..." His bibliography gives indication that he consults source material representing his point that the older people with knowledge will ...

(3 pages) 88 2 3.9 19/May/2005

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

Kierkegaard's understanding of faith as a paradox, whereby the particular is higher than the universal, and therefore demands a teleological suspension of the ethical.

... is based on one's belief in God. Kierkegaard praises aesthetic and ethical responses to life but maintains that they do not free human ... , Inc. Roberts, D E & Hazelton, R (ed) 1957. Existentialism and Religious Belief. New York: Oxford University Press.

(8 pages) 46 0 5.0 04/Mar/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

Plato: a history of his life and philosophies

... region of the line is the belief which is the knowledge of things of change. Belief is practical and a main ... Heraclites' theory that said that nothing is stable except the fact that things change, and Parmenides' theory, that said that change and motion ...

(10 pages) 105 0 3.7 05/May/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy


... that the mind or soul was the true person and that the body was ultimately a "prisoner" of the person; mind or soul. The belief ...

(11 pages) 80 0 4.0 22/Jan/2007

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

Plato vs. Nietzche

... shows his belief in an absolute, unalterable Good which man should prize above all else. Conversely, Nietzsche feels that there are ... The Cave' and 'Apology,' believes that Good is absolute. This means that he is of the opinion that there is one perfect ...

(2 pages) 212 0 3.9 29/Mar/1997

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

Plato, The Republic

... beliefs rather than the needs of the state. There are problems with the lower and upper classes creating laws. The lower class constantly feels that ... not have the wealth, stature, and possibly education that the upper-class possesses, thereby making it ...

(4 pages) 163 0 4.7 01/Apr/1997

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

A look at plato and why he was a classical writer.

... that Plato believed that "if a human can see it in his mind, it must exist in its perfect form/idea". This quest and belief ... great philosopher named Socrates. It is believed that Socrates, as well as Plato, thought that an universal truth could be reached by ...

(2 pages) 25 0 3.0 27/Oct/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

Plato's Ultimate Happiness.

... any persons beliefs. After all, that is what I think philosophers have to, and will have to believe, and that is to learn ... his thought naturally evolved as he matured. Whereas Socrates believed that he could arrive at happiness without spending much time ...

(2 pages) 85 0 5.0 13/Nov/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

Analysis of platos simile of t

... Through this analogy, Plato is able to fully show his beliefs and concept of life itself. Although very old, this literary ... objects, representing "truth", but they only show the prisoners shadows that stand for "mystery" and "doubt". There is in deep-seated ...

(2 pages) 2091 0 0.0 01/Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

The Effect of the Philosophers on 17th and 18th Century Society

... Encyclopedia, he and other philosophes published many criticisms, beliefs, and discoveries. The Encyclopedia contained many ideas on ... approaches, such as revolutions. Nonetheless, two main philosophes that desired to change certain political and social ...

(5 pages) 108 1 3.4 19/Nov/1996

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

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