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Search term: belief-that

Plato's understanding of what the essence of knowledge.

... brought beyond myth, although some may argue that theology itself is a myth. He felt that belief in God interfered in man's ... that give shape to minds, beliefs and actions. The only way for knowledge to occur is recollection because how can someone say that ...

(6 pages) 256 0 5.0 15/May/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

Socrates in relation to Plato's "Last Days of Socrates"

... one of his points for not running away was that he would confirm the beliefs and thoughts of the jury and other Athenian citizens, ... worth living. He owes everything that he possesses to Athens . He has the chance to voice his beliefs if he disagrees with a ...

(11 pages) 150 0 4.7 26/May/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

Plato and his views on Rome

... belief in something superior, that compares to nothing else and stay true to their feeling. The Roman people proved to be fickle in their beliefs ... being happy, for happiness ultimately comes from strong beliefs within your soul. Eternal happiness is the goal ...

(7 pages) 31 0 3.0 03/May/2005

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

Plato's View of the Body and Soul

... is that he was a Dualist. This means that he saw the world comprised of two sorts of things. One subject where this belief ... . One subject where this belief especially comes together, is his view on human beings. Plato believed that a human was comprised of ...

(1 pages) 24 0 5.0 21/Apr/2006

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

The Allegory of the Cave of Plato. In this essay I will attempt to apply the cave concept to some aspect of today's world.

... : "belief". Just like the prisoners in the cave believe that the shadows are real objects in their own sense, the viewers believe that ... that nothing is what it seems. And that the only way to find the truth is to be ready to shatter all our previous beliefs ...

(4 pages) 161 0 3.0 26/Feb/2006

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

Discuss: Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, BK III, Part 1, section 1.

... himself from the belief in a moral guide, they would cease to have an affect on his life. That is to say that morality ... that Hume is arguing that morals are entirely subjective. As he has said, in simpler terms, were one to remove himself from the belief ...

(10 pages) 102 0 0.0 16/Mar/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

Plato and His Employment Of Myth

... that proper opinions and beliefs could be adopted supporting his republic.7 This is an essential Socratic doctrine, portrayed by Plato, emphasizing that ... began his dialectical inquiry, first confronting Greek beliefs and society, then attempting to reshape ...

(10 pages) 72 0 5.0 20/Dec/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

Allegory of the Cave

... . Plato is implying that society is shortsighted in their views and unwilling for change. They hold on to their beliefs, without question, ... for what they really are. Plato is trying to illustrate that you must build into small steps. It begins by simplistic ...

(3 pages) 12 0 0.0 01/Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

Philosophy of Knowledge; David Hume's "The Origin of Our Ideas and Skepticism about Causal Reasoning" and "An Argument Against Skepticism," by John Hospers

... his beliefs about knowledge and his idea that we can only have relative certainty of truth. Skeptics concur that there is ... both Hume and Hospers make strong arguments, Hospers' philosophical beliefs on different levels of knowledge and evidence are more ...

(2 pages) 85 0 0.0 29/Sep/2005

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

The Allegory of the Cave

... the world that exists outside of his own. He was finally able to build up the courage to defy his own set beliefs of reality and ... own set beliefs of reality and step into a completely different relm in which he had no knowledge of what so ever. I feel that ...

(5 pages) 125 0 4.5 06/May/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

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