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Search term: history-of-the-world

Truman and the atom bomb. what is the background to the dropping of the atom bomb?

... the greatest project in history of the world and was most top secret. As a result Truman says he called off his investigators. The ...

(4 pages) 75 1 3.7 12/May/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

War Of The World: An essay quickly summarizing World War II.

... the final solution of the systematic extermination of the Jews. This caused anger between the allies of Europe and the rest of the world. Soon the entire world observed Europe and some joined the war against Germany. In the ...

(4 pages) 25 0 1.0 19/Jun/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

The Fall of the Roman Empire (I even did the works cited page for you plagarizers, make sure to know MLA format)

... the period in the history of the world when the condition of the human race were most happy and prosperous, he would, without hesitation, name that which elapsed from the death of Domitian to the accession of ...

(6 pages) 250 0 3.8 05/Apr/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

Nationalism This essay is about Nationalism and its key factors. Also how it created the world we live in today.

... the history of the United States is their own. There is not one single religion in the United States. One of the United States' selling points was its freedom of ...

(1 pages) 144 5 3.0 05/Feb/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

"Describe the early history of a modern warfare weapon." My essays about the history of the Machine gun, describing when it was invented, by who and how it works.

... the world was invented and created by Hiram Maxim in 1884. Maxim used the energy of each bullet's recoil force to eject the spent cartridge, insert the ...

(1 pages) 30 1 3.5 06/Apr/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

The History and theories of the evolutionist.

... The Making of the Modern World: Connected Histories, Divergent Pasts 1500 to Present (2nd ed.) St Martan's Press: New York. Tylor, Sir Edward Burnett. 1871. "The Science of ...

(5 pages) 227 2 3.5 22/Jan/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

This article describes the triumphs that former Roman emperor Marcus Aurelus encountered; throughout his reign in power.

... of leaving the to a military general. It is often said that Marcus is the only true philosopher king in the history of the world ...

(1 pages) 37 0 4.0 20/Jan/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

"Feeding the Flames" Written in response to the prompt: Can we learn from history? Discusses the reign of Hitler and the Holocaust.

... of the horror of humanity. It has been immortalized in pictures, in visual and verbal accounts of those who experienced it and the horrified minds and hearts of the world ...

(4 pages) 33 0 3.7 12/Nov/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

The History of Globalization

... The History of the Globalisation When we look at the history of Globalisation firstly we must talk about the major factors which leads our world ...

(2 pages) 120 0 4.3 03/Feb/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > International Organizations & Conflicts

World War II

... of the above events are very important parts of the history of the world. World War II has been called the greatest war that has ever occurred. It is my hope that the ...

(2 pages) 72 0 5.0 05/Dec/1996

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

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