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Search term: history-of-the-world

Brief History of the Cold War

... The Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries. OPEC controlled 53 percent of the worlds oil production and the group raised the price of ...

(4 pages) 183 0 4.1 26/Nov/1996

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > The Cold War

"As long as Stalin was running the Soviet Union a Cold war was unavoidable." (J.L Gaddis, We Now Know). Discuss this interpretation of the origins and character of the Cold War.

... the Second World War, it also came out as the world's strongest economy, producing 50% of the world's commerce and goods, but with a population of only 6% of the world's total . The ...

(8 pages) 192 0 3.0 07/Jan/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > The Cold War

The break out of the cold war

... history. The forces of the free world, it seemed, were rallying to resist Soviet aggression, build up the defenses of the non-communist world and, tackle the problem of ...

(16 pages) 96 1 4.7 22/Sep/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > The Cold War

Which one of the Superpowers was most responsible for the outbreak of the Cold War?

... . The Alliance between Britain, America and the USSR, was no friendship but rather a way to survive the terrors of the World ... . "Search the History Learning Site." History Learning Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2014. Shmoop Editorial Team. "Causes of the ...

(8 pages) 6 0 0.0 01/Dec/2014

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > The Cold War

Essay Question: Discuss at least three reasons that you feel best explain why the Cold War began, how it affected the peoples of the world, and why it lasted for such a long time.

... history of mistrust between the two countries starting off with the Russian revolution of October 1917 where the Royal family was murdered. The ...

(6 pages) 68 0 3.0 10/Sep/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > The Cold War

Affects of the Cold War

... of the most anxious weeks in world history as the U.S. and Soviet Union headed toward their closest encounter with nuclear war. As tensions grew between the two countries the ...

(5 pages) 33 0 0.0 01/Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > The Cold War

Why had the Superpowers become Suspicious of each other by March 1946, When Churchill made his Important speech at Fulton?

... of the world or his own people! Whereas the USA had a capitalist democracy which considered freedom as a great and essential value. Each hated the ...

(3 pages) 2882 0 5.0 02/Apr/2009

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > The Cold War

Media in the Vietnam war

... and ease of viewing. Everyone could now watch what was happening on the other side of the world, live in the comfort of their own ... their anti-war sentiment. The My Lai massacre was the greyest day in America's military history, American soldiers were on ...

(5 pages) 2 0 0.0 25/Sep/2014

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > The Cold War

Stalin's Involvement In The Cold War

... the postwar world and many people's lives differently forever. His selfish arrogance not only affected the outcome of his empire or the world, but also his own life. If history ...

(5 pages) 79 1 5.0 28/Mar/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > The Cold War

Origins of the Cold War

... History Project. The main criteria used for selection were: reliability of the sources and the most recent. b.Writing of an annotated bibliography about the topic. c.Selection and reading of ...

(5 pages) 219 1 4.8 08/Apr/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > The Cold War

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