Results 211 - 220 of 19498

Search term: history-of-the-world

Indepth anaylsis of the origin (including cultural, political) of Korea and its first settlers.

... the middle of the 20th century. A typical short history of Korea in Western references begins with the end of World ...

(16 pages) 183 0 4.1 14/Jul/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > Asian History

The history of Apple and its Macintosh Computers

... 11 January 2000 2/09/00 "Computer". The World Book Encyclopedia. 1991ed Every, David K. "Microsoft, Apple and Xerox: The history of the Graphical User Interface". Mackido: The Power of the ...

(5 pages) 340 1 3.6 28/Aug/2002

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science

The Most Significant Events during 1789-1975 - Gives a vivid persepective of the sixteen most important events during 1789-1975 in much detail from different perspectives.

... history and had more of an impact on U.S. history of the period than did World War II. Vietnam was the only unsuccessful war in United States' history. The geography and the style of ...

(32 pages) 575 0 3.1 25/Sep/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History

World War II

... of the above events are very important parts of the history of the world. World War II has been called the greatest war that has ever occurred. It is my hope that the ...

(2 pages) 72 0 5.0 05/Dec/1996

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

History of the Olympics Talks about the history of the ancient Olympics about the time that Rome fell. Also talks about the modern Olympics history.

... the athletes from all around the world would promote good relationships with the different countries. Coubertin was a boxer, fencer, and rower who was determined to spend all of ...

(4 pages) 116 0 4.3 05/Jan/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

A comprehensive look at the development of the computer programming language, focusing partially on C++.

... The specific intent of this paper is to recall the history and types of the computer programming languages; as well as, explain why C++ exists, and how it works. Throughout the history of the ...

(8 pages) 266 1 4.7 05/Feb/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science > Programming Languages

PLATO: Greatest Contributor to Philosophy A report about Plato's contributions to the development of philosophy. It covers his Academy, Dialogues, and his student Aristotle.

... the teacher of Alexander the Great, a wise and strong leader. Aristotle and his student Alexander the Great went on to make enormous impacts on the history of the world ...

(3 pages) 313 1 3.7 07/Mar/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Contemporary Philosophy

Henry IV Part 2 as Compared to History. A comparison of this play to the actuall history of the time in Wales and Europe. Original draft.

... the other possible sides of the story. Shakespeare did this in order to change and define the one area of history ...

(9 pages) 36 0 3.3 23/Mar/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare

This essay is about the history of the russian and bosnian people.

... history started in the middle of the first thousand years A.D. when the tribes called the Southern Slavs migrated into the southeast area of Europe known as the Balkans. The ...

(3 pages) 50 0 2.2 29/Jul/2003

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

Q - Does Alexander the Great deserve to be called 'the Great'?

... the history of the world. Alexander's ability was well and truly remarkable, and his overall life was incredible. He truly fits into the criteria of a great person. The ...

(6 pages) 88 0 3.3 30/Aug/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

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