User Details For: YMW99

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  • A pretty good essay overall seem to have argued ur points really, really well... "macbeth choose with his own free will to kill and murder to become king". All ur evidence made sense, and you've got a lot of good quotes.But you seem to be saying Bradley said .. a lot... it's almost like you paraphrased some of that guy's writing. He's a shakespearean scholar... of course he's going to know his stuff.I'm not saying don't give credit where it is due. But maybe you can find other examples, or maybe explain in ur own words. You can refer to ur shakespearean scholar just not in every paragraph.Oh, and I think with your introduction, you need a really clear contention or topic and the way you've written the intro, it doesn't come in until the middle. Oh and try to have topic sentences for each paragraphs, I used to hate those but they're actually really useful, they tell the reading where the paragraph is heading.But all in all a really good effort for a macbeth essay.good luck with the play ..ymw99
    • 03/06/2004
    • 09:52:09
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Tragedy...

    hummm.... what is the Aristotle's defination of a tragiey ? you seem to have summerised the play well.. but you haven't really explained tragedy and the aristotle's defination.ok... I did actually study this play..and the reason why aristotle thought Oedipus The King was a great tragedy was because, it fit in with his defination of a tragedy. The downfall of a great man through events beyond his control caused by one simple character flaw.well hope you do well in ur other oedipus essays .
    • 25/05/2004
    • 06:03:14
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Overall a pretty good essay

    you've got the characters pretty down packed for macbeth and lady macbeth.the only improvements would be to intergrate you're quotes more ie: lady macbeth describs her husband as "..too full of the milk of human kindness..." this implies that she is more ambitious and more ruthless than macbeth as lady macbeth see "human kindness" as a weakness... instead of having a huge quote right in the middle of your paragraph have smaller ones that are integrated and show exactly how it relates to the point your making.oh .. and one more thing... hummm... do you think that the characters of macbeth and lady macbeth have developed as characters with in progression of the play? Macbeth does not remain the same man at the start until the end of the play, he is almost dehumanised towards the end .... maybe you could have explained more about their character development.But overall a pretty good essay.. you got out you're main points and included evidence to back them up.good luck with your next essays macbeth is an interesting play to study
    • 19/05/2004
    • 09:54:14
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Ok

    I think you need to look into the politically history of america in relation to other nations a little bit more before you judge the people who dislike america. "hate and evil" I can see that you're amaerican, there is always a reason behind every attack, look into it before you judge.was the attack on kennedy was that a greater loss to the american public or was that of those 5000 ppl in the twin towers ? who knows? Who knows what could have been, so don't judge too harshly or rashly.
    • 10/05/2004
    • 22:08:59
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.
  • Interesting story

    in the middle there, I thought he was going to turn from ugly duckling into swan, and prince charming and dump the girl flat on her face for her shallowness...Even thought it has a moral and it is quite well written, it is still somewhat unbelievable......
    • 10/05/2004
    • 21:38:15
    • Score: 22 out of 24 people found this comment useful.
  • Quotes, quotes, quotes!

    So everyone else was responsible for Ducan's death except Macbeth ?This an interesting view point on the death of Duncan, but I think you could improve somewhat by including some quotes from Lady Macbeth when she taughts her husband. You have good material but not a lot of backing, unless you prove everything you say in your essay with quotes and paraphrasing, all your writing is just claims and statements.Good luck with studying Macbeth, it's an interesting play with good issues you can tackle.
    • 05/07/2003
    • 05:46:37
    • Score: 7 out of 7 people found this comment useful.
  • From author

    sorry , I forgot to delete some of the comments that my teacher wrote. I was just rushing to put it on line so I didn't go through it well enough and change everything. so some comments are still there and some spelling mistakes. Sorry ..
    • 30/05/2003
    • 08:04:28
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • Hubris?

    generally your essay was quite good, you have a lot of information and well thought out.humm..... but you do know that the word \"hubris\"is a noun and means: Overbearing pride or presumption; arroganceso how can you say \"hubris sins\"? shouldn\'t you be saying something like the sins that are caused by a hubris nature ?And I know the word hubris is great.. but would it hurt to vary your vocab once in a while ? how about arrogance?
    • 21/05/2003
    • 21:07:18
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.
  • Interesting

    dear leezj17 .your topic is quite interesting. But most of your agruments are claims that are not backed up with fact. How would cloning fight disease ? How would cloning stop aging?Ok, and you have said that cloning would stamp out sexual reproduction (mostly sexual intercourse). But you forget that nowadays people don't have intercourse to reproduce it has become a recreational activity. So how would cloning stamp out sexual intercourse, when the purpose of cloning is to reproduce and not pleasure ? Wouldn't humans have sex anyway ?You have stated playing God as an agrument against cloning. But have you thought about all the medical technology that we have now ? I mean just to be vaccinated is playing God. We are immune to small pox because someone has injected us, isn't that playing God ? We could be dead right now if we weren't immune to hepatitis, or other childhood diseases.I think you're trying to say the right things, but you haven't looked into the evidence and the information deeply enough to illustrate, why you think cloning should not be done.nevertheless good luck on your next essay , and I hope this has helped.YMW99
    • 18/05/2003
    • 06:52:29
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Atta boy

    you have written a essay on the biographical information of Aristotle and Galileo. Yet your essay is supposed to be about "physics" !!! You have written how Aristotle's parents have died when he was at a young age, but you have done nothing to explain, how he has disovered his theories, even if they are not deemed incorrect. Althought these two men might have been instrumental in the feild of motion, they are not the most famous, nor contributed the most to this feild..... Newton !!!! the guy that made up 3 laws on motion and gravity ?? inertia ? ??? The tendency of a body to resist acceleration; the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or of a body in straight line motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force. ????
    • 12/05/2003
    • 06:11:07
    • Score: 2 out of 3 people found this comment useful.