User Details For: LITTLEHECK05

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Comments List
  • Some error in first paragraph

    I had just happened to notice a couple of spelling and grammatical errors in the first paragraph such as "snoaring" which should be spelt SNORING. The Descriptive paragraphs were definitely good, but the grammatical and spelling errors threw you off. Very nice. 1/2 Smiley.
    • 04/10/2003
    • 08:24:37
    • Score: 52 out of 52 people found this comment useful.
  • Very nice

    How well written, never loses reader's attention (unless they don't like to read, ha ha), and is very significant on the rise of socialism and how hitler brought it.
    • 27/09/2003
    • 06:27:42
    • Score: 1 out of 2 people found this comment useful.