How accurate is it to say that the growth of reformist groups in the years 1881 was the main cause of the 1905 revolution?

Essay by 09bjohnsonCollege, UndergraduateA, November 2014

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A Level History Essay

Q: How accurate is it to say that the growth of reformist groups in the years 1881 was the main cause of the 1905 revolution?

Many factors contributed to the 1905 revolution but there are some arguments that the growth of reformist groups was the main cause but there are other arguments saying that there are other factors that played a bigger role so to say that the growth of reformist groups is the main cause is not entirely accurate. Reformist groups did play a role in the revolution but other factors like the Russo Japanese War, Industrialisation and the further discontent felt by the civilians in Russia also contributed to the outbreak of the 1905 revolution.

The growth of reformist groups was a factor that made an impression towards the outbreak of the 1905 revolution. The assassination of Alexander II had the consequences of creating inspiration for other opposition groups to be created forming such groups like the Social Democrats and Social Revolutionaries to hold the responsibility to impose their beliefs and opposition upon others.

Although, the lack of freedom, russification and the implication of heavy taxations acted as an encouragement for the more opposition groups to form at a even faster rate while further unsatisfaction and discontent of the public increased and spread rapidly. By the year of 1905, these opposition groups were targeting groups and the different parts of society like the peasants and the working class that took part of 80% of the entire population, this resulted in the wide spread of the opposition against Tsarist rule which is questionable for which it could have held a responsibility for the 1905 revolution. Although, towards the start of 1905, it started with strikes that were lead by the working class which may...