Bubonic Plague

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Midway Paper BUBONIC PLAGUE There have been many devestating occurances over the years. One of the most devestating times ever in history was the Bubonic Plague also known as "Black Death".

There have been three major breakouts of Bubonic plague in history. The first outbreak was known as the Plague of Jstinian (542-543). It killed 70,000 in the city of Constaniople in two years. The plague followed trade routes to France and Italy. Smaller outbreaks occured for an additional 52 years. Before this time, bubonic plague had been unknown in the Mediterranean. The Byzantine emperor Justinian (ruled, 527-565) was attempting to reestablish the Roman Empire and was close to completing his dream. The outbreak of plague destroyed his dream. The second major outbreak of bubonic plague, and the most devestating, occurred in Europe in 1346-50. Known as the Black Death, bubonic plague spread across Asia and Europe.

By the end of 1348, plague covered all of Italy and most of France. It crossed over the Alps, and spread to Switzerland. England was reached in August, and it spread to Scottland, Ireland, Denmark, and most of Germany. By 1351, the plague reached Russia. The "Black Death" killed about 1/3 of theh population of Europe, or 25 million people. In 4 years it resulted in more deaths than the plague of Justinian did in 50 years. Government, trade, and commerce in Europe almost came to a stop. The plague caused the depopulation of about 1,000 villages in England. The plague reduced the amount of landunder cultivation due to death of many laborers. The Roman Catholic Church lost some of it's influence as people moved to mysticism and other spiritual expressions. Many of the Jews were masacred because they were blamed for the plague. There were other reoccurences...