The Country of Congo

Essay by ghoulscoutx6Junior High, 7th grade December 2002

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The Republic of Congo is a very interesting country made up of many kinds of people. It became an independent country on August 15th 1960. Congo's estimated population is 2,800,000, with about 8 people per square mile. Most of the population lives by the capital, Brazzaville. About forty-five percent of Congo belongs to the Kongo Group. The Kongo Group is a group of farmers who live southwest of Brazzaville. About two percent of Congo is Muslims. The Languages spoken in Congo are French and African.

In Congo, education is free. They have about 500,800 students enrolled in school. About eighty-five percent of the population can read and write in African or French. The country's university is called University Marien-Ngoubi. It is located in Brazzaville, the capital.

Congo's land covers over 132,000 square miles. There are six main geographical features. They are The Coastal Plains, The Mayombe Escarpment, The Nari Valley, The Stony Pool, The Bateke Plateau, and The Congo River Basin.

Nearly two-thirds of the country is covered with tropical rainforest. The dense growth of African oak, walnut, softwood okoume, or gaboon mahogany, red cedar, and hardwood limba provides a green canopy over the growth of leafy plants and vines. The coast and the swampy areas contain coconut palms, tall grasses, mangrove forests, and reeds. Some of the things grown in Congo are pineapples, bananas, and peanuts.

In the forests there are many varieties of monkeys, chimpanzee, gorillas, elephants, okapis, wild boars, bears and buffaloes. The savannas there have many varieties of antelope, jackal, wild dog, hyena, and cheetah. On the plateaus, there are plenty of rhinoceroses and giraffes, but lions are scarce. Bird life includes the predatory eagle, hawks, owls, scavenging vultures, and the wading heron.

Most of Congo's Weather is hot and humid, with some rainfall throughout...