Couselling, family and other issues in palliative - case studies

Essay by amanda137University, Master'sA-, April 2009

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INTRODUCTIONThis assignment will take the format of case studies and it is aimed at examining my listening and understanding skills. The case studies I have chosen are ones that have impacted on my career in palliative care. Reflecting on a second possible interpretation within them I will be able to show how important it is to assess each situation thoroughly, as outcomes may be completely different if misinterpreted.

CASE STUDY ONEBridget was a 45 year old single mother who was admitted onto the Acute Medical Ward with shortness of breath. After many tests and examinations she was diagnosed to have lung cancer which had already metastasised extensively. After consultation with the Oncologists it was decided that curative treatment would be of no benefit to Bridget and that a palliative approach would be the most beneficial for her. Bridget also had a history of bi-polar, obsessive compulsive disorder and was extremely depressed.

However she took the news of her diagnosis extremely well and as she was deeply religious she had faith that God would heal her and Bridget was using her faith to help her cope emotionally. Amenta and Bohnet (1986) describe how the different strengths of patient's help them to meet the various demands of situations.

Nursing Bridget was extremely challenging due to her complex psychiatric history, and the time I spent with Bridget I encouraged her to open up emotionally. At first Bridget would just sit and cry but wouldn't talk so I never pushed the situation, I just told her that if she needed to talk then I was there to listen and would help in any way I could. One day Bridget just started pouring out all her fears and worries. Del Piccolo, Saltini, Zimmerman and Dunn (2000) ascertain that patient's whose physicians acknowledge that they are...