Cultural studies db2 Individual assignment

Essay by dwright73College, UndergraduateB-, April 2013

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Cultural Studies DB2 Individual Project


In the twelfth century, the most used languages among the educated and used in books was Latin or French. These languages were used mostly by the educated or the rich who could read and write the language. Moving into the fourteenth century, vernacular language was starting to be used in literary works by the French and had been spread throughout Europe. "This allowed many literary works to be translated so that others could read and write them" (Brooks, 2003). There were many factors that played into why vernacular language was spread some say that it was the desire to spread Christianity, the women's desire to take part in cultural debates and technological advances. There are also many cultural differences that add to this major shift to vernacular languages from the much more proper Latin. Depending on where a person was from, their economic status may have prevented them from learning Latin.

"This shift to vernacular language had indeed made it easier for those to express themselves to any audience" (Saunders, 2004).

Origins of vernacular language

The origin of vernacular language is that it mostly derived from Latin and was the most spoken and written language fall of the Roman Empire in 1200 A.D. It was most used by the upper class and members of the church. Latin also changed over time depending on who was speaking or writing it (Sayre). Vernacular languages are the languages that are native to a country. Some of these may be French or Spanish. The definition of vernacular is "of the people" (Tillotson, 2005). Another example of a country using vernacular would be England. England was divided into English, which the lower class spoke. Vernacular language was often subject to standardization. This happened in many countries which had...