Ernest hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls

Essay by tfandlHigh School, 11th gradeA+, March 2005

download word file, 9 pages 5.0

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Widely regarded as one of American literature's most admired and prominent writers, Ernest Hemingway outlined his work around his own life experiences and the structure of the twentieth century lifestyle, which he became a part of. His recurrent themes, revolving around death and the difficulties in the lives of men, arose in the majority of his works, especially in his classic novel, For Whom the Bell Tolls.

Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois, in July of 1899. His father was a physician and his mother was very artistic and responsive to the culture of her day. In high school Ernest participated in many sports, not because he wanted to or enjoyed playing, but because he was expected to. However, from the beginning, his only true love was for writing. At the young age of eighteen, Hemingway began a promising career in writing that would provide for him for years to come.

He contributed regularly to the Tabula, a literary magazine, as well as reporting for the Kansas City Star. Hemingway had a very unique style, which was by no means spontaneous. It came from many years of reporting that gave him his crisp language. He also learned to write objectively from Lionel Calhoun Morse, a family journalist of the day. Hemingway has

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been defined as the master of dialog. He developed a plain, yet forceful prose style, characterized by simple sentences and exact descriptions. He also created a type of male character who faces violence and destruction with courage. This is often referred to as Hemingway's "code hero" (Tanner 80). These aspects of his writing proved to be the main backings for his stories. He had a huge influence on twentieth century writers and his style has been imitated by a...