John Calvin

Essay by papichulo13High School, 12th gradeA+, April 2004

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John Calvin

Although John Calvin never took one step in America, he had a huge influence on the way we live. Mainly John Calvin was known as a French reformer and theologian. He was born in an upper middle-class family in France (1509-1564). John Calvin grew up during the time that Protestantism was being established. Educated at the University of Paris, he was trained in law and humanities. He fell in with a circle of French humanists who read with great interest the writings of Luther.1532 Calvin an experienced what some call "sudden conversion". Converted to Christianity in his early twenties, Calvin began to devote more of his time to theological matters. On Novemember 1, 1533 Calvin wrote a speech attacking the established church and calling for reforms, but rather starting reformation that he sought, he started an anti-protestant sentiment which caused him to leave for his safety in cities such as Basel, Switzerland.

Calvin and his friend named Farel kept working on the protestant cause in Geneva. Later, the people of Geneva thought of Calvin's reformation as imposing a new form of papacy (Roman Catholic system of church government) on the people, only with different names and different people. So with that in thought Genevans threw him out along with his reformers. So Calvin moved to Strasbourg. Soon after Calvin began writing commentaries on the Bible to explain both the literary technique and the difficult passages in literary and historical works but most of all he used his commentaries to argue for his owned theology. The comments weren't really explaining passages of the Bible, but a construction of his theological, social, and political philosophy. He was dedicated to reform the church and he got his chance to build a reformed church when the citizens of Geneva revolted against...