Morality and Legality of Abortion

Essay by Susan FreedmanCollege, UndergraduateA+, February 1997

download word file, 2 pages 4.3

Downloaded 68 times

Morality and legality of abortion

Somewhere amidst the abortion debates of the last quarter century, the real issue

has been lost. The focus has become too religious for a country that has separated church

and state. Therefore, I won't argue the religious rights and wrongs of abortion. No

answers can be derived until we focus on what the law and our citizens do value, because

this is how laws are changed. American laws hold sacred the value of human rights....but

when do a woman's end, and a child's begin?

The saving grace, and ultimately, the great flaw of the Constitution is it's

variability. Our founding fathers created it as an open door, to allow future generations to

correct their mistakes, but also to make them, and to contradict themselves ethically and

morally, on the whim of a generation. As a nation, we have always attempted a degree of

morality in our laws, a shared belief in what is right and wrong that is eforced by the law.

We assert that to ahrm another intentionally or otherwise is wrong and deserving of punishment.

Our laws condemn murderers and shun drunk drivers, charging involuntary manslaughter in the case

that he/she inadvertently kills another in an accident. There

are severe repercussions for rapists and assault of another person. We also often assert that

to harm oneself intentionally or in a way that could have been prevented by our own

precaution is wrong. These examples include the seatbelt and helmet laws and the ingestion of harmful drugs.

In keeping with our common and lawful morality that is careful to protect human life, the legality

of abortion appears incongruent.

An important question of this issue is of the point at which the

life conceived inside a woman's body is considered a life, rather than her...