National Poverty and Welfare

Essay by oitry December 2007

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This proposal states that The United States’ present strategies against poverty, such as Welfare, is not only ineffective, but detrimental as well. As a sufficient alternative, the nation should impose more restrictions on the qualifications for financial aid and deduct a minimal fee from one’s pay to be saved for a time where it might later be needed.

The United States must quickly solve this dilemma if it is to be successfully competitive with other nations, otherwise, it must continually attempt to compensate for the deficit caused from excessive financial aid.

For many centuries, national poverty has been the biggest hindrance to the economic and social progress of the United States of America. From the most civilized city, to the most rural area, poverty reaches to the farthest regions of the nation. Affecting old and young, poverty can have negative effects in relationships and mental states. Since Welfare was established in reply to the Great Depression, it has done little to remedy the national poverty level.

According to the World Almanac & Book of Facts, in 2002, the national poverty rate was 12.1%, and in 2004 poverty was up to 12.7% (381).

The United States’ current strategy to national poverty has failed for many reasons. First, since Welfare began, the nation is still above ten percent in poverty, proving it ineffective. Second, in Science News, Bruce Bower states that most of those who had financial aid became self-sufficient within two years (169). With no one needing this aid for a prolonged period of time, other means of aid could be used in place of Welfare, making Welfare unnecessary. Furthermore, understanding that it is presently the fourth consecutive year that national poverty has risen, it is easy to see that such a serious problem can be a major factor in the...