How power and authority affects the main character's lifestyle in "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck

Essay by Destinyalready May 2007

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In "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck Kino, lived in obsolete poverty with his wife Juana and his baby Coyotito. Instead of the habitual mornings, where Kino goes outside and the song of his family hums in his mind and Juana prepares cornbread is apart of this cong. Coyotito, is sleeping in box, hang by a rope, Juana and Kino bother sight a scorpion crawling on the rope, as it fell, and Kino reaches to catch it, it falls through his fingers, and lands on coyotito and bites him. The song of the family changes to the song of evil, to attempt to overcome any harm from coyotito, the rush to the only doctor they know in the town. A fat and white doctor of a race that has, "beaten and starved and robbed and despised Kino's race." Kino shows the doctor's servant his money, but it isn't enough to please the doctor.

In frustration and anger he smashed the doctor's gate with his fists. This is one example of Kino submitting to the demands of power and authority, because his of a race that is oppressed and deprived.

One day while pearl diving, he found a magnificent pearl dubbed "the pearl of the world". His dreams of a better live to step out of the norms of his people seemed to sprung alive, education for Coyotito, a real marriage between he and Juana, new clothes for them and perhaps a rifle. The priest treats the Indians like children, fostering their ignorance, educating them to fear evil unless they confide in him. This is a familiar among colonial settings; the missionaries used religion and the bible to fool the Indians into accepting their lesser place in society. They learn enough to mix the prayers of the...