Transfer of services, activities and operations from govt. to private enterprise.
÷Privtaely owned Firms are more cost efficient - because they need to make a profit.
÷Privatisation places the risk in the hands of business or Private Enterprise.
÷Govt. Businesses are subject to an enormous amount of red tape (Beauraucracy)
÷Private enterprise is more responsive to customer complaints and innovation.
÷Govt Ent. Have an advantage over private Ent. Because they can guarantee payment of bills and they don't pay tax.
÷The Govt. should not be a player and an umpire.
÷Privatisation provides a one off cash boost for Govt. This can be spent on Hospitals etc...
÷Privatisation leads to lower prices and greater supply.
÷Competition in privatization increases differentiation.
÷Private sector uses less resources, therefore resources are free for other purposes.
÷As a result of privatisation more tax income is generated for govt.
÷Loss making activities no longer run by Govt.
- No longer responsible.
÷Private Sector managers are more efficient.
÷Private sector is more flexible in relation to finance
÷Govt. sector magangers are responsible to Govt. legislation.
÷Private Ent. Can hire and fire by performance.
÷Prvt. Organizations can use marketing advertising with Govt. Permission.
÷Private Orgs can move into new markets.