The Problem Of Evil

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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The Problem of Evil raises justifiable doubt to believing in God's existence. The Judeo-Christian view of God is that He is omniscient, omnipotent, and benevolent. This is contrary to the fact that there has been large scale suffering in the past as well as in the world in which we live today. This concept is known as the Problem of Evil and provides to the theory that God does not exist.

If God were truly omniscient as the Christian religion follows, the He would know everything that is, or will be, true. Also, since he is benevolent or all-good, He would thwart all evil and suffering before it began, but this is obviously inaccurate. Suppose that God is non-omniscient or that He does not know everything. This appears to solve certain portions of the Problem of Evil, but does not discard the notion entirely. It makes sense that if God does not see or understand human suffering, the He has no way to prevent it.

Also, most suffering occurs in the dark recesses of one's mind. Therefore, neither God nor anyone can truly grasp or bring an end to it. This seems as if it were a simple explanation, but the situation is actually much more complex. God created the universe and therefore is solely responsible for creating a society in which suffering can occur readily without His knowledge. His omnipotence would allow Him to bypass His ignorance by using his powers to ascertain an understanding of human misery. This also means that if God put the world in its present situation, then He must be held accountable for His actions. If He created a world in which suffering occurred unfamiliar to him then this would contradict the notion that he is all-good and all-loving.

If one follows the...