Reducing Prejudice in referance to the Holocaust

Essay by letxmexbangHigh School, 11th gradeA+, May 2006

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Despite tragic events such as the Holocaust, prejudice continues to exist throughout the world today. Although everyone has their right to freedom of speech according to the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, it should not be expressed in the dislike of someone or a group of people because of personal judgment. Prejudice is described as the process of prejudging something without having any real evidence to come to that conclusion. Its' name is pretty much self-explanatory yet a majority of people today still do not realize that they are in fact prejudice.

One of the most widely recognized, and familiar evocations of genocide began in 1933 with the Holocaust. During that year many Jewish business were boycotted and Jews were expelled from the German civil service. That was the earliest sign of prejudice and the jumpstart to many other hateful crimes acted out upon Jews because of ignorance.

There would soon be follow-ups of this disrespect to a whole race and religion as well as another wide range of people including people with disabilities, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Communists, Slavs, Poles, Russians, Catholics and Protestants, as well as others, because of insecure followers; people without strong will.

One way that prejudice can be reduced is to enlighten those who are ignorant of a certain race, creed or religion. That alone may have dissipated many of the problems that began in the past and those in the future as well. If people were well aware and educated about those around them, many prejudices may have not come about to begin with. It is necessary that everyone know about all, if not, many of the different cultures that exist today, in order to create a more perfect, balanced, non-prejudice society. Although there is no guarantee that...