Simile of cave

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Plato's ideal city is the one in which each and every citizen seems to be satisfied with whatever he or she has acquired in life. Plato categorized the ideal city into three parts wherein each part was linked to a specific virtue which he believed could help in defining justice. The groups included the guardians, auxiliaries and craftsmen and each of these groups had to follow the three different virtues namely, wisdom, courage and moderation. Wisdom describes the rulers of the city whose job was to incorporate philosophy and rule together to rule the city wisely. Courage describes the auxiliaries, whose job was to defend the city from invasion and take new lands for the city. The third virtue of the ideal city was moderation, which is the concept of self-control and knowing ones role. Division of works also played in vital role in Plato s ideal city which lead to the concept of "One man-One job".

According to Plato, all the three groups should fulfill the duties that were assigned to them. By following these, Plato tried to show how the city could become a better place for one to live. But again, for a person to fulfill the duties that were assigned to him or her, Plato believed that one needed to specialize in that field and one also needed to have an immense interest to work in that sector. This gave rise to a new term called "ambition" which indicated that each person would do a job that he or she desires to do and thus he/she would perform well. This would automatically generate a "good organization" as far as the duties were concerned. In the ideal city, the rulers were responsible for providing the guidance to all the groups. They also ensured that...