
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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People are not born with the knowledge of responsibility and self-discipline, they People are not born with the knowledge of responsibility and self-discipline, they learn it as they get older and more mature throughout their lives. When babies are born, they have no knowledge of responsibility and self-discipline or the importance of it.

Next, are toddlers who generally learn from there parents and try to be as responsible and disciplined as they can be. Then comes young kids who start becoming more responsible, and do many things on their own. Next come teenagers, who try to act mature, but by doing so they learn important lessons of responsibility and self-discipline. After teenagers come adults, who are responsible and self-disciplined to better their lives and others.

Learning responsibility and self-discipline is like a cycle, you learn most of it from others when people are young, then when they are older, people teach it to others.

The lessons of responsibility and self-discipline are very important in everybody?s lives.

When babies are born, they have no concept of responsibility and self-discipline.

They do not know the difference between right and wrong, because they were not born with the knowledge of it. Babies tend to watch people and learn from them by what they do. When babies watch them, they still do not understand if what these people are doing is the right thing, but they assume it is because other people are doing it. Even though babies are not born with the concept of responsibility and self-discipline, they learn it by watching others, which is very useful when they get older.

Responsibility and self-discipline are a very important part of a toddlers life. They are starting to grow out of the habit of relying on their parents and other people to...