Why Stalin's methods of ruling were unnecessary.

Essay by MichieJunior High, 9th grade May 2003

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When Joseph Stalin gained power in 1927, a black cloud of terror fell upon the Soviet people, and the whole of the USSR was thrown into darkness. Stalin's reign of terror was a very disturbing and unhappy time, and he did many things that were inhumane and inessential. Stalin's methods of ruling were unnecessary because he did not look after the needs of the Soviet populace, he fabricated lies concerning the Soviet Union, and he executed and banished millions of people.

In many ways, Stalin was like a neglectful parent to the Soviet people. The beginning of his ignorance was in 1928, when he introduced the first five-year plans. The aim of the five-year plans was to build up heavy industry, such as steel and coal. In order to do this, the Soviet Union needed large sums of money, which it did not have. Stalin decided that there was only one way to get this money - by increasing the country's grain and mineral exports.

What he could have done was simply require the farmers to export a higher percentage of their grain, which would have increased grain exports, but instead he collectivized all the farms into larger, government owned ones. While this did improve grain exports, and strengthened the economy, the price of human life lost during those years cannot be paid for with money. Hundreds of thousands of people starved, because of rising prices and the seizure of their crops. During all five five-year plans the quality of life for the Soviet people was degraded, only proving that Stalin obviously did not have any compassion for the Soviet people.

Not only was Stalin cold-blooded, he was also a compulsive liar. The government that Stalin ran was, to put it lightly, a dictatorship. It was certainly not a...