Womens Rights

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's April 2001

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'Human Rights Are Womens Rights Using political strategies, women are gaining power around the world by Peggy Curlin Peggy Curlin is president of the Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA), a woman-focused nonprofit international organization founded in 1975. Its mission is to empower women at all levels of society to be full partners in development. You can contact CEDPA at 1400 Sixteenth Street, NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20036; Tel: 202/667-1142; Fax: 202/332-4496; website: www.cedpa.org. CEDPA also has field offices in Egypt, Ghana, India, Nepal, Nigeria, Romania, and Russia.

This past decade has brought about a quiet revolution in what women think about themselves and in many respects what society thinks about them. Since the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995), women have gained a new perspective from their traditional roles as caregivers for children and the elderly -- they have found a new voice to express the need for more economic and political independence.

We have to look no further than our own political process to see that "womens issues" (i.e. education and healthcare) are high on the agendas of both political parties. If this is true in northern countries, then what about the women south of the Equator? Has their lower status, their poverty and their overwhelming burden of hard work and disease kept women silent and passive? The answer is an overwhelming, "No!" At the 1995 UN World Conference on Women, participants included high-level representatives of member states, among them First Lady Hillary Clinton, and 50,000 non-governmental women observers. In June 2000, the governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) will meet in a Special Session of the UN General Assembly in New York to measure the progress governments have made toward fulfilling the Beijing Platform for Action. The Platform calls for a human rights-based approach to...