Essays Tagged: "caroline cooney"

The Mummy

Mummy By Caroline B. Cooney        Have you ever met some one who was near perfect? Well th ... book I read. The title of my third outside reading novel was the Mummy. Mummy was written by author Caroline Cooney. The novel Mummy was set in Present day America. The protagonist of the novel is nam ...

(2 pages) 2278 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > Middle Eastern History > Ancient Egypt

The Mummy

Mummy By Caroline B. Cooney        Have you ever met some one who was near perfect? Well th ... book I read. The title of my third outside reading novel was the Mummy. Mummy was written by author Caroline Cooney. The novel Mummy was set in Present day America. The protagonist of the novel is nam ...

(2 pages) 1064 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > Middle Eastern History > Ancient Egypt