Essays Tagged: "Modernity"

Stoker and Yeats. About Irish fiction, and how it relates to the philosophical and political atmosphere of Ireland around the turn of the century

that triumph over this threat can only be achieved by the defeat of these "demonic" forces through modernity, while Yeats believes that only by facing the violent and demonic forces and emerging from ... n is very civilized, logical and organized. His journal is written in shorthand, which is a sign of modernity and efficiency. He is a stenographer, which means he is well versed in the legal system, a ...

(10 pages) 91 0 2.6 Nov/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Analysis of Three Sonnets by William Wordsworth.

ting perspective apparent in his sonnets. Wordsworth expressed love for the past with a passion for modernity.Wordsworth wrote all of his sonnets in the Petrarchan sonnet form. The Petrarchan sonnet, ... s full disapproval for the current state of manWilliam Wordsworth is nostalgic, yet able to respect modernity. Traveling from revolutionary France to England provided Wordsworth with plenty of materia ...

(4 pages) 154 0 0.0 Jul/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

This article argues that modernity is the second form of colonization.

Modernity is the second form of colonizationThe direct colonial rule, which has been gradually vanis ... essay is to prove that there are, despite some exceptions, solid reasons to hold the statement that modernity is the second form of colonization as being true. It will do that by firstly examining the ... f colonization as being true. It will do that by firstly examining the common ideas and assumptions modernity, achieved through modernization process, shares with colonization. It will then trace the ...

(9 pages) 112 0 5.0 Aug/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays

Emergence of Modernism.

ognition of many master talents. The various stages of the Renaissance saw a certain growth towards modernity, that can be illustrated with the consideration of artwork from the Early and High Renaiss ... eeling donors (linear perspective being introduced for one of the first times.)The movement towards modernity also brought illusionistic painting (scientific perspective): a very sophisticated level o ...

(6 pages) 153 0 3.7 Sep/2003

Subjects: Art Essays

What Was the main theme of max weber's sociology? Analysis of the 'Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism'and weber's rationality theory.

Max Weber's observations and conclusions regarding modernity and its causes have named him one of the most influential sociologists of our era. Weber b ... me to a wider analysis of what I believe was Weber's main theme: the predominance of rationality in modernity. Weber explored rationality at all levels of society, including bureaucracy, the state, an ... Mass. ; London : Harvard University Press, 1998. viii, 188 p.6)Schluchter, Wolfgang.: Paradoxes of modernity :culture and conduct in the theory of Max Weber /by Wolfgang Schluchter ; translated by Ne ...

(7 pages) 386 0 3.0 Nov/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" as an existential exercise.

d under the impact of abysmal forces, which break it up and shatter its coherence.-- Wolfgang KayserModernity has added irony to injury. The study of the humanities is intended to bridge something ine ... ul punishment than futile and hopeless labor. (34)For Camus, life is one long exercise in futility. Modernity and the tradition of nihilism have lessened the impact of religion, which once provided a ...

(9 pages) 225 0 4.5 Dec/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Examine the claim that cities have recently entered a "postmodern" stage in their development

'grand narrative' guiding its development"(Giddens, 2001). But it is also important to look at 'postmodernity' in relation to 'modernity', to see it as the direct result of the latter, as a reaction t ... unctional emphasis to a more cultural and aesthetic emphasis that can be related to the passing of "modernity and modernism to postmodernity and postmodernism" (Featherstone, 1991).Various factors lea ...

(6 pages) 252 5 4.6 Feb/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology


Sociology Term EssayQ4. What does sociology contribute to an analysis of the culture of modernity ?To understand what sociology brings to a study of our modern culture we must understand h ... o observed and questioned these developments .The study of Sociology itself arrived as a product of modernity.The term modernity is "designed to encapsulate the distinctiveness, complexity and dynamis ... some new theories and ideas.An example of one of these developments that can explain the arrival of modernity was the dramatic improvement in the transport system and other forms of communication .Thi ...

(7 pages) 167 0 3.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

What does Durkheim mean by anomie and why does he regard it as problematic?

Along with Marx and Weber, Durkheim outlined the characteristics of the transition of society to modernity and what was problematic with this shift. This essay will explain Durkheim's ideas on this ... ition, concentrating on the division of labour and social cohesion. I will explain how this path to modernity may lead to a state of anomie and outline the links Durkheim made with anomie and suicide. ...

(8 pages) 167 0 2.3 Mar/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays

British Economic Imperialism, and the Benefits India Recieved

India in a way that could have destroyed India's economy, their presence helped boost India toward modernity with the construction of railroads and other new (at the time) technology.As the cotton tr ... factories, as well as a new feeling of class-consciousness. India was almost forced into a state of modernity through the presence of British imperialists. All of the positive effects Britain's imperi ...

(5 pages) 119 0 4.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Harbingers of Jewish Modernity: Marranos, Renaissance Jews, and Court Jews

ore considering whether or not Marranos, Renaissance Jews, and Court Jews were harbingers of Jewish modernity, the boundaries of Jewish modernity itself should be defined. Jewish modernity began in th ... Despite their constant persecution and double lives, Marranos played a part as harbingers of Jewish modernity. Marranos were largely responsible for the first dissensions against rabbinic Judaism. Rab ...

(3 pages) 38 0 5.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Olympia, Manet and Modernization

A painting of a nude woman, a Negress and a cat changed the way of art, class and modernity in 1865. It was a time of ordre moral, a time when bourgeoisie and primness dominated high ... by art historian Jean Ravenel. Essentially, he boils it down to an issue of social order, class and modernity by investigating the subject of prostitution with respect to the time, the aesthetics of t ... role of a courtesan, and the possible inspirations for the painting by centralizing the concept of modernity. An attempt to delineate the controversy of the painting, in accordance to Clark, will aid ...

(8 pages) 111 2 4.3 May/2004

Subjects: Art Essays

Anne Friedberg's

discusses the relationship between the city, modernism, film and architecture. How do her ideas of modernity, particularly her terms 'machines of vision' and 'machines of mobility', relate to 1 or 2 ... hines of mobility', relate to 1 or 2 sequences in Tati's Mon Oncle (1958)?Anne Friedberg's ideas of modernity - including the mobilization of the gaze amidst the modern city, consumerist self-gratific ...

(8 pages) 33 1 4.0 May/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors

Notes on Two Modernist Movements and 2 Artists in Each Movement and 8 paintings Evaluated using the Frames.

genres[n] the quality of being current or of the present; a shopping mall would instill a spirit of modernity into this villageA working definition of Modernism was the rejection of Victorian ways. Vi ...

(23 pages) 194 1 4.3 Jun/2004

Subjects: Art Essays > Artists

The Open Boat: Additional Perspective

lence has never been debated; the only questions have been the proper means of defining the story's modernity and of accounting for what appear to be certain awkwardnesses of style, tone, and point of ... ts best until recent years, when the automatic and somewhat naive tendency to equate naturalism and modernity has been called into question in all the arts. Thus Peter Buitenhuis asserts in a recent s ...

(10 pages) 99 1 4.0 Jun/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Modernisation, globalisation and americanisation

roff and Comaroff put it:"The radical opposition between pre-historical 'tradition' and capitalist 'modernity' survives in the discourses of our age, popular and professional alike. Indeed, in directi ...

(10 pages) 164 0 4.3 Jul/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Economics

Common Sense and the world view

dustry" discusses various aspects of common sense and how it is used for justice, behavior control, modernity, among others. People around the world have the same basic problem concerning crime contro ...

(4 pages) 84 0 4.6 Sep/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

The Historical and Political Context of the novel "The Chosen" by Chaim Potok

the book where religious Judaism and tradition is contrasted against the broader secular world and modernity. World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Death, the Holocaust, Zionism, and the fo ...

(7 pages) 29 0 3.0 Dec/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Modernist art is fundamentally about the question - what is art?

Visual Cultures of Modernity Shane GladstoneEssayComponent OneQuestion'Modernist art is fundamentally about asking the ...

(3 pages) 85 0 3.0 Dec/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays

Consumption - The Uses of Thinks. Description: it is about the se of things in our consumer world in comparison to other cultres and believes... (descripteve images are missing)

IntroductionConsumption and Modernity, two things that seem to belong together.In our society, consumption became a habit that i ... as opposed to earlier modes of consuming) is the product of affluence, rather than of capitalism or modernity. Once the satisfaction of basic needs has been materially secured, the meaningful or cultu ...

(11 pages) 91 0 4.0 Jan/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers