Essays Tagged: "poem"

"Dreaming On A Cloud" - a poem I wrote.

This Was One Of The Best Pieces I Have Ever Done! It was a very intresting poem, because it described the writers true emotions.Dreaming on a cloud, not knowing what to persue ...

(2 pages) 110 0 4.2 Oct/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Epic Works - comparison of The Odyssey, The Divine Comedy, and Paradise Lost.

tter title got all but 2 points...February 21, 1997Epic WorksEpics by definition are long narrative poems, that are grand in both theme and style (Webster 417). They usually involve actions of great g ... d intricately woven into the background of each story in the same palatial style as the rest of the poem.Epic poems are not merely entertaining stories of legendary or historical heroes; they summariz ...

(4 pages) 175 0 5.0 Feb/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Analysis of "Because I Could Not Stop for Death"

ways. Emily Dickinson is one of the numerous poets who uses death as the subject of several of her poems. In her poem 'Because I Could Not Stop for Death,' death is portrayed as a gentleman who comes ... death is portrayed as a gentleman who comes to give the speaker a ride to eternity. Throughout the poem, Dickinson develops her unusual interpretation of death and, by doing so, composes a poem full ...

(8 pages) 471 0 4.4 May/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

Essay about relating quote to the poem "The Hangman"

ose the evil, the good are just inviting the evil to do as they wish.Being one of the themes of the poem The Hangman, this quotation can be related to the actions of the Hangman and the people he kill ...

(3 pages) 38 0 4.0 Dec/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

The poen "Ballad of Birmingham" by Dudley Randall

In the poem Ballad of Birmingham, by Dudley Randall, writtenin 1969, Mr. Randall uses of irony to describes ... mother would be the onewho would want to got to the march to free her people, not the child. In the poem'Ballad of Birmingham', by Dudley Randall, written in 1969, Mr. Randall uses toneand irony to de ... her concernfor her child's well being.In the first stanza irony is used in order to make reading thepoem more interesting. The situation in this first stanza is also very important. Thelittle child is ...

(4 pages) 106 0 3.6 Feb/1997

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Civil Rights > Black Awareness & Racism

Shakespeare’s Sonnet Number 126

tember 28, 1993A Not-Too-Critical-Essay of Shakespeare's Sonnet Number 126Shakespeare's sonnets, as poems, have been obscured by the enormous amount of speculation, much of it unjustified, that has gr ... mired young man, who was Shakespeare's junior in both years and social status.The form in which the poem is written is often referred to as Shakespearean or English form. As in most of Shakespeare's s ...

(2 pages) 65 0 3.3 Sep/1993

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare


In the poems 'Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?' and 'My Mistress' Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun', Wi ... ualities that human beings have over nature.        Already from the titles of the poems, one can notice that nature is superior to humankind. In the poem 'My Mistress' Eyes Are Nothi ... e sun. The nature appears more powerful than humankind.        In the title of the poem 'Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?', Shakespeare is debating whether or not his love one ...

(4 pages) 90 0 3.7 Nov/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare


Teacher said: Not bad, but a little sarcastic. Needs more quotes from the poem.RapeThis paper will focus on the social and cultural conditions that intensify or perpetuate ra ...

(4 pages) 243 2 4.1 Dec/1996

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Civil Rights > Women's Studies

Style and Theme in "For colored girls who have considered suicide? When the Rainbow is Enuf" by Ntozake Shange

a piece of work written by Ntozake Shange. It is written in anunusual style that is called a choreopoem. This style is very effective whendone by a skilled poet such as Shange. She uses a combination ... o Have Considered Suicide/ When the Rainbow is Enuf.First of all, Shange writes in the form a choreopoem. A choreopoem isa piece of work that is written as a poem but is intended to be acted out onsta ...

(3 pages) 60 0 4.3 Nov/1996

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Civil Rights > Black Awareness & Racism

Imagery in Literature

cture without saying directly what the image is. This style of writing adds a unique mystery to the poem or story. Imagery is best used in nature, but it can also be used for describing inanimate obje ... on.H.D. was one of the first writers to use imagery. Inspired by Ezra Pound, H.D. once wrote in her poem titled 'Heat':Cut the heat-Plow through it,turning it on either sideof your path.The reader can ...

(2 pages) 18598 19 4.5 Nov/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

"The Death of the Ball Turrett Gunner" by Randall Jarrell

shed me out of the turret with a hose.'The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner' by Randall Jarrell is a poem abouta soldier dying in the ball turret of a fighter plane during what was mostlikely World War ... ta soldier dying in the ball turret of a fighter plane during what was mostlikely World War II. The poem tells of the fear of young soldiers being sentto war and their thoughts of dying.The poem is to ...

(1 pages) 92 0 4.1 Jan/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

"Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold

This essay is about the poem Dover Beach!"Dover Beach" by: Matthew ArnoldIn the poem "Dover Beach" by: Matthew Arnold there ... d there is a lot of irony, appeal to the auditory and visual sense, and illusions. The tone in this poem is very sad and dismal, but he shows us how to keep faith and hope in spite of that and how imp ... that and how important being honest, true, and faithful to one another, really is. Throughout this poem , Arnold mentions all of these traits and ties them all together.The irony in this poem is the ...

(2 pages) 186 1 3.8 Dec/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Hope is pathetic. Analysis of poem "Dover Beach" Matthew Arnold

In the poem Dover Beach, the poet uses conflicting imagery to give meaning to the poem. The differences in ... tween the beach and the sea and the way that most people would see it become more pronounced as the poem develops. He also uses the change in attitude from the first stanza to the last to emphasize hi ... He also uses the change in attitude from the first stanza to the last to emphasize his message.The poem starts with the normal image one would expect of a beach and a peaceful moonlit night, but quic ...

(2 pages) 175 1 4.2 Feb/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Formalist Critical Approach to Rupert Brooke's "The Soldier"

FORMALIST CRITICAL APPROACH TO:RUPERT BROOKE: THE SOLDIERI am analyzing the poem 'The Soldier' by Rupert Brooke. This poem is about aman who loves his country dearly. The count ... e soil would be made better because therewould now be a piece of England within it.The plot of this poem reinforces it's meaning because it deals with death and love.These are two powerful things that ... love.These are two powerful things that evoke feeling in people. It helps to create an image inthe poem of a man who is very brave and would do anything for his country.The character in the poem rein ...

(2 pages) 94 0 4.4 Apr/1997

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Byron's poem, "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage"

In Byron's poem, "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" the main character is portrayed as a dark brooding man, who doesn ... sn't like society and wants to escape from the world because of his discontent with it. Through the poem we see the strong resemblance the Byronic hero has to many of todays popular characters, such a ... he Byronic hero has to many of todays popular characters, such as Batman.In the third stanza of the poem we learn that Childe Harold is the product of a long line of nobility. "Childe Harold, was he h ...

(4 pages) 76 0 4.4 Nov/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

A review of Goethe's "Faust"

ng von Goethe and translated by Walter Kaufmann. There are 201 pages in this novel.. This book is a poem divided into two parts and has many adventures in it. The point of view is from the writer of t ... no be for long. Mephisto is going to take Faust from him. Faust is sitting in his study most of the poem. He looks up information to gain more knowledge. When he is looking one day through his study h ...

(2 pages) 167 0 4.6 Jan/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature

Robert Frost Poetry

Robert Frost PoetryRobert frost is a poet who often expresses himself through his poetry. His poems use simple, unsophisticated ideas, but underneath, they convey real meaning. One such poem is ... uses various techniques to reinforce the message outlined in stanza one. One of these is rhyme. The poem uses an unusual rhyme scheme. Each stanza (with the exception of the last) has one line rhyme w ...

(2 pages) 201 0 4.7 Mar/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

A review of Walt Whitman's "Live Oak, with Moss"

s Live Oak, With Moss , is an intricate portrayal of love, both physical and mental. Throughout the poem, Whitman incorporates an array of metaphors symbolic of love and the many characteristics assoc ... one. Happy, loving, and open-minded, the love emanating from Whitman is a sign of true life.As the poem progresses on, Whitman uncovers the sadness of his life. Viewing praise as a hollow feeling, Wh ...

(2 pages) 125 1 4.3 Jan/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Shakespeare 18

hall I compare thee to a summer\'s day?\" and this statement provides the basis for the rest of the poem. The praise and awe is most evident in these lines as he reveals all the qualities the mistress ... ummer\" and reinforces the fact that her beauty will remain forever in art.In the first line of the poem, the poet asks a rhetorical question to establish what he is comparing his mistress to. He is t ...

(2 pages) 85 0 3.9 Mar/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare

Diction in "THE ROAD NOT TAKEN" by Robert Frost

hat one makes while traveling down the road of life. In the first stanza the speaker introduces the poem by saying "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood"This is interesting because it is suggests that ... ker goes on to say "And sorry I could not travel both"This is one of the most powerful lines in the poem; because no matter whom the reader is they will relate to the feeling of regret, and sadness ov ...

(2 pages) 189 2 4.8 Mar/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry