Essays Tagged: "senior prank"

The Mummy

novel Mummy was set in Present day America. The protagonist of the novel is named Emlyn. Emlyn is a senior is high school, whom every one thinks is perfect or the ideal teenager. Donovan is one of Eml ... iends who came up with the prank. In this novel, Emlyn and her friends have a plan for the ultimate senior prank. The group will perform the prank on Mischief night. If she pulls of the prank, she wil ...

(2 pages) 2278 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > Middle Eastern History > Ancient Egypt

The Mummy

novel Mummy was set in Present day America. The protagonist of the novel is named Emlyn. Emlyn is a senior is high school, whom every one thinks is perfect or the ideal teenager. Donovan is one of Eml ... iends who came up with the prank. In this novel, Emlyn and her friends have a plan for the ultimate senior prank. The group will perform the prank on Mischief night. If she pulls of the prank, she wil ...

(2 pages) 1064 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > Middle Eastern History > Ancient Egypt