Essays Tagged: "Yerma"

In his play 'The Trial' Berkoff attempts to create a nightmarish feel. Describe how you would create this feeling on stage with the use of the 'chorus of 9 people waiting'.

in adding to the nightmarish quality. This use of memorable haunting songs can be found in Lorca's 'Yerma' when she sings to herself about needing a child.I would want there to be some interaction bet ... nce. This method of conversing with the invisible was noticeable in a recent student production of 'Yerma' which featured a form of chorus who alternated between being real and imaginary as I would wa ...

(6 pages) 17 0 3.0 Feb/2004

Subjects: Art Essays > Drama

Where would you wish to focus your audience's sympathy in Act II Scene II, Yerma, Juan, or both? Explain how you would direct the scene, up to the entrance of Maria.

As the director of Yerma, I would try to focus the audience's sympathy on Yerma because Juan and her sisters are talkin ... . That's what you're here for." Juan, Pg 181.He is also being patronising to his sisters as well as Yerma. I think that Juan would deliver this line in a very cold matter and will be standing up with ... they won't be kicked out of the house."A man has his job to do" Juan, Pg 181.When Juan says that to Yerma he is saying that women don't have jobs like men and should stay in the house and not see the ...

(1 pages) 19 0 2.3 Feb/2004

Subjects: Art Essays > Drama

The Character of Bernarda Alba in Lorca's "The House of Bernarda Alba"

e the norm in society and inflict reform. His three "peasant trilogy" plays revolving around women (Yerma, Blood Wedding and The House of Bernarda Alba) all depict the harsh lifestyle women had predes ...

(3 pages) 22 1 5.0 Jun/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

What effects would you wish to create for your audience in act 2, scene 2 of 'Yerma'? Explain how you would stage the scene to achieve your aims.

Throughout the play 'Yerma', the themes of fertility and infertility are woven into the characters' dialogue and action; ... It is therefore important for the overall design of the staging space to reflect the desperation of Yerma and her barrenness. The perception of the audience is important in the choice of set design, I ... The perception of the audience is important in the choice of set design, I would therefore direct 'Yerma' in the round as this will allow for close and personal relationships to form between the char ...

(7 pages) 2365 0 0.0 Sep/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature