User Details For: 1912babe

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  • Just a great essay.

    This is a wicked essay. Only thing, you could have done more with talking about Kubrick's visuals, and how the 'future' looks very much like a 'souped up' version of 1971, but other than that, just great.
    • 10/01/2004
    • 20:41:57
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • This is a really great essay...

    Loved this. Actually only got to see the movie for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and was so impressed with it. The communist symbolism I didn't notice when I first saw it, but now I read your essay, it's very noticable.On a more critical note, it might have been better to phrase things a little better overall, making the text more fluid. However, what you have done is extremely well researched and planned.
    • 09/01/2004
    • 09:18:18
    • Score: 11 out of 11 people found this comment useful.
  • Good ideas here, though you could sum it up a little better

    Liked this, a different approach to film and similar media, though I think you have fallen into the trap that I think a lot of people (including myself) fall into, the fact of summing up. I was taught to sum up everything into one paragraph, saying what can be learned from this etc. I see you have tried to sum it up, though it might need a 'finishing off' sentence. Cool essay though.Best Wishes1912babe
    • 08/01/2004
    • 12:38:45
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.