User Details For: pennywisetheclown

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  • A decent overview of death, but... opinion is taken throughout the entire essay. Most of this essay consists of explanations of what the official position of the Catholic church is on what happens to ones soul after death, when death truly occurs, and how one can earn one's way into God's graces and heaven. This essay seems well researched and cites many references. However, it never really lives up to its title, "Catholic Beliefs vs. Individual Beliefs". The only beliefs which are discussed in it are those of the Catholic church on death. The only mention of individual beliefs in the essay merely illustrates how some Catholics do not hold identical beliefs to those of their church. On a side note, there where two or three minor typographical errors, but nothing bad. A good essay overall, but written under the wrong title.
    • 04/04/2002
    • 23:49:33
    • Score: 13 out of 14 people found this comment useful.