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  • Bluetooth/Computers is where its at

    Yeah this is another one of those insane things that I've never tried but always wanted to do: on an oral exam or a speech or some sort of memorization, record yourself saying the speech/poem/oral in an ideal way. Save the recording on your phone. Then buy the smallest wireless bluetooth headset you can find (can cost up to $80) and using the phone and the wireless headset you can listen to the whole thing and if you're good enough you can pull it off. This works especially well with long hair or schools that allow caps.Computers: in the middle of a test (usually this works best for history or biology/chemistry) ask to go to the washroom and instead run to the nearest computer lab. Look up anything very important that you absolutely need to know for the test and then walk back to class with the necessary info :)
    • 18/03/2007
    • 08:21:54
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.