I CAN SAY WHAT I WANT! This paper is of an argumentative nature in an attempt to prove one simple point...our Constitution is badly in need of repair.

Essay by mstarksCollege, UndergraduateA, September 2002

download word file, 12 pages 2.8 1 reviews

"I like drugs, I love drugs. Drugs are family fun." ("The X-Files.") A college student high on the drug ecstasy spoke these chilling words. When I saw this videotape, I could not believe my eyes and ears. The proliferation of illegal drugs in today's society appears to run rampant, use growing each day in leaps and bounds. How can this be? How is information concerning illegal activity transmitted effectively? The answer is quite simple; our Constitution allows this freedom. The freedom to use illicit drugs is illegal, but the freedom to express how to make and partake of illegal drugs or anything else illegal for that matter is allowed in accordance to the First Amendment of our Constitution. Yes, you read that correctly, it is legal to tell in detail how to make and properly consume illegal drugs. The student quoted in the first lines of this paper had access to a published manual explaining how to produce the illegal drug ecstasy.

A published book? Is this legal? According to Jim Molesa, a DEA agent, it is; there is nothing that law enforcement can do to prevent the publication of ecstasy instruction manuals without violating the First Amendment of our Constitution. ("The X-Files.")

Do you think our founding fathers envisioned today's society or were even concerned with what our nation would be like over 200 years in the future? Freedoms meant to preserve our country have gradually been twisted to suit individual needs over the good of the nation. This becomes very clear when you can find publications of how to create illegal substances at your local bookstore, library, or the Internet. Manuals concerning death and mass destruction abound everywhere you look. Were these types of freedoms even considered when the First U.S. Congress drafted the Constitution in 1789? Created...