Equal Access To Justice : this essay discusses what equal access to justice really means, and states what society can do to improve equal access to justice for all

Essay by SilkThaShockaHigh School, 10th gradeA+, May 2002

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Equal Access to Justice

How can a minor be deemed mature enough to be tried as an adult? Why do people in the spotlight seem to buy their freedom after committing a crime? Our government tries to assure equal access to justice for all citizens. Regardless of position in society, laws are supposed to be enforced consistently, and criminals punished in an appropriate manner. This system needs some works, because it has many cracks that money seems to fall right through.

Equal access to justice means that everyone, despite social status, obtains the same treatment in our system. It seems that people with a high position in society can get out of many crimes by hiring the best attorneys, while the poor have to rely on pro-bono cases that are generally not picked up by the Johnny Cochran's of the world. But then again, why would a high-priced lawyer want to take on a case that they would not be getting paid for? The argument goes both ways.

If the government would offer some sort of incentive to take on more pro-bono cases, then the poorer people of society could be better represented, and obtain proper punishment or freedom when deemed necessary.

I am still perplexed at how a person under 18 can be charged for a crime as an adult. Does a judge have the right to throw out one's age just so they can be punished more severely? A minor can be sued directly, but they cannot sue others. The reason we have the "legal age" is to protect children from the harsh punishments of society, and to give people who have barely lived life a chance to change. This seems unfair and should be excluded from our legal system.

Equal access to justice seems like a...