Erin Brockovich

Essay by angiiepangieeCollege, Undergraduate November 2014

download word file, 8 pages 0.0


Section 1. Part 1.

The scene opens in California, with the main protagonist, Erin Brokovich, a single mom to three kids, who is desperately looking for a job. With no aquired skill sets, or past work experiences besides having been in beauty pagents, Brockovich indubitably is denied at her job interview. Feeling defeated, her stress evident, the day wouldn't have been complete without a parking ticket placed on her car. Things couldn't get worse for Erin Brockovich as she drives off in frusteration, until a car speeding in the opposite direction of the intersection, smacks right into the side of Erin, injuring her.

Brockovich plans to sue the driver who just so happens to be a doctor. It is then when Brockovich meets her personal injury lawyer, Ed Masry, who agrees to take her case, confident enough he could win for her. The time comes for Brockovich to be put on the stand during cross-examination, but her inappropiate outbursts cause her to lose the case.

Furious by the result, and unable to get in touch with Masry, she storms into his firm and demands for a job. Feeling a twinge of pitiful guilt, the lawyer agrees, and assigns his newly hired file clerk, real estate cases to sort through.

Brockovich begins to sort through the files as she comes across some medical records which raises her curiosity. Intrigued, she goes around the office asking her associates why medical records have anything to do with the Pacific Gas & Electric offerring to purchase the homes in Hinkley. None of the female associates were willing to help her because of the way Erin presented herself in the clothes she wore and the attitude she put up. Despite the lack of assistance, she decides to go ahead and...