Sex Ed: Slut or Just a Healthy Dose of Hormones?

Essay by discotrashCollege, UndergraduateA+, May 2004

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Slut or Just a Healthy Dose of Hormones?

Why do teen girls become promiscuous? Why are we moved to experience this thing called sex? Do teens in a High School environment have a higher respect for another teen when they have had sex before? Adults and some media are always telling teens to wait until marriage, or at least until they are sure they've found their soul mate. Don't throw away your virginity on a person you won't stay with, they say. Others say if you don't respect it, lose it! One thing is certain, sex is something a person simply cannot understand completely until he or she has done it. There are emotional ties and new physical sensations that cannot be replicated without a partner. Some teens may seek it for intimacy or security.

Being a teenager usually involves high school social contact. Most everyone can remember the slut of their high school, the girl with the bad reputation.

I was a little on the wild side as a teen myself, and I know girls will do it no matter how constricting the parents get. Teens get sneaky and make elaborate plans, lying or skipping school to be together with someone of the opposite sex. The shaming feelings about sex need to be acted upon, they compromise pleasure. If the social shame were lifted, the "inner slut" would introduce us to new horizons of desire and experience. Parents send mixed messages when telling their young daughter to come to them if she ever needs birth control, no questions asked. When this actually happens, the parent really freaks out and induces punishment. This has happened to both my high school best friend and I! I'm sure many others have dealt with this event. The bad thing is that teenage girls...