
Essay by LebaneseprincessHigh School, 12th gradeA+, May 2004

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Soybeans have good quality proteins that are comparable to the animal protein sources. Soybeans have a much higher protein content compared to other grains and pulses. They also have higher Lysine and Iron content which is of special benefit to anemic persons, which helps to improve the Hemoglobin level of their blood. Whole soybeans contain about 34 percent of total carbohydrates on a dry weight basis. This fraction is devoid of starch, and therefore, has less nutritional significance than protein and oil. The carbohydrates mat is divided into the soluble and insoluble fractions. The soluble fraction, consisting of about 10 percent of the total carbohydrates, includes primarily the non-reducing sugars sucrose, raffinose, and stachyose.

a) Commercial products : (Oriental traditional products)



Soy Milk



b) Soybean-derived products are important raw materials in the fermentation industry. Soybeans are composed of approximately 35% protein, 19% lipid, and 9-12% total sugar, and as such, they provide an excellent source of nutrients.

Soy-derived products are an economical, consistent and uniform complex nitrogen source; in addition, they also provide carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and other growth factors, which are important to the growth of microorganisms. A very wide range of innumerable products of food industry, such as sour cream, yoghurt, cheeses, fermented meats, bread and other bakery products, alcoholic beverages, vinegar, fermented vegetables and pickles, etc., are produced through microbial fermentation processes.

c) Microorganisms require carbon, nitrogen, and minerals for growth and metabolism. A source of nitrogen is required for the synthesis of nitrogenous cell constituents such as proteins and nucleic acids, and the requirement of many microorganisms, including both bacteria and fungi, is satisfied by inorganic nitrogen sources such as ammonia (and ammonium salts), nitrates, urea, or amino acids. The nitrogen requirements of organisms used in industrial fermentation processes are often...