User Details For: polstallion

Essay List
Comments List
  • Rough, but a clear message

    Reading this paragraph, i taught to myself the message is clear that the 2 friends are good friends, but where is the detail to back some of that up. All of the paragraph was just straight up right to the point. Needs more active details for it to be intresting, but thats just me.
    • 10/02/2003
    • 01:17:48
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.
  • My Comment

    I did not really see how this can be called an essay because it is just a one summerization paragraph of the movie. I think it would be better to change it into a readers response more and write about what you taught about it rather than what it said on the back of the cover. Otherwise it was an ok summerization of the whole movie.
    • 17/04/2002
    • 23:16:58
    • Score: 7 out of 7 people found this comment useful.