Acid Rain and how to Scientifically Prevent it

Essay by BsippleHigh School, 10th gradeB+, December 2009

download word file, 2 pages 5.0 1 reviews

Acid rain has caused damage to the environment both in nature and in man-made communities for decades. Acid rain is precipitation that has reacted with harmful compounds of mostly Nitrogen, Sulfur and Carbon. These compound emissions are emitted from factories, motor vehicles and electricity generation. The discovery of acid rain was 1852 in Manchester England, but only in the 1960's did scientists start studying the effects of it. Many people think that since acid rain is precipitation we can not control it. They are right, we can not control the precipitation but we can control the destructive emissions that are the main cause of it. There are many ways that we as people can control these emissions and many of them are scientifically based.

A way that scientists have reduced damaging emissions from factory smoke stacks is by creating Flue Gas Desulphurization devices. FGD's are machines that remove sulfur from the flue gasses coming from smoke stacks after burning coal to generate power.

There are many kinds of FGD's an example of one of them is the Wet Scrubber. A Wet scrubber is a tower that uses a fan to draw hot stack gasses into the tower and adds limestone to the mix to neutralize it and create a sulfate that is then removed from the tower and either sold as Gypsum or dumped in a landfill.

Besides the Wet Scrubber there are other different yet effective FGD's. Some of these include, but are not limited to, Venturi-Rod Scrubbers, Packed Bed Scrubbers and Spray Towers. The Venturi-Rod Scrubber is the most expensive Wet Scrubber to operate and own, mainly because of the cost of the power necessary to run it. What the Venturi-Rod Scrubber does is accelerate the unsafe gas to a high velocity as it goes up the tower.