“Alcoholism: Character

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate April 2001

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"Alcoholism: Character or Genetics?" This Article discusses the dynamics of Alcoholism on a large spectrum. It explores Jim Milam's and Enoch Gordis's views on Alcoholism being somewhat blamed on genetics.

Gordis says genetics are 60 percent the problem and 40 present may be blamed on psychological, social, or environmental reasons. During Milam's research he found out that "in some people alcohol effects brain-wave patterns, enzymes and metabolism differently than others (p.55)." Stanto Peele disagrees with both Milam's and Gordis's views on Alcoholism. Peele believes "there's no such thing as a genetic cause of alcoholism (p.56)." He considers to be true that the environment around us may lead someone to alcoholism. His theory on treating alcoholics is to just moderate their drinking. The article also mentions the start of Alcoholics Anonymous or AA. Bill Wilson was the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. "AA recognizes a physical dependency, much of its philosophy is based on the concept that spiritual problems and "charater defects" causes alcoholism (p.56)."

LaRuez 2 I personally agree with Milam's philosophy on alcoholism. I believe that partially alcoholism involves genetics and slightly the environment. Not being an alcoholic myself it is hard to comprehend the power of addiction. The only reason I don't pass judgment on people who are powerless over alcohol is because I am well educated on this subject. But, the one thing I do agree with is "you can't become an alcoholic unless you take a drink.

The genes are for risk, not for destiny. p.55)"