Bi-Polar Disorder

Essay by valonUniversity, Bachelor'sA, December 2007

download word file, 10 pages 4.5

Bi-Polar Disorder

By, Valon Mela

Bi-Polar disorder (BPD), also known as manic depression, is a disorder that effects many Americans. According to APA (American Psychiatric Association) it's a disorder which causes periods of manic states switching with periods of depression, usually with a long interval of time between two episodes. This disorder can ruin somebody's life; it effects your emotions which effect your social, physical, and performance skills. This disorder is worse than regular depression because with depression you sad, not interesting in things you liked, don't want to do any thing, basically you shut your self in a bubble. With bi-polar disorder you have depression episodes and manic episodes. A manic episode is when your brain releases to much of its chemicals (dopamine, serotonin, noradrenalin, endorphins.) and shoots you through the roof (total opposite of depressed), this makes you agitated, angry, you can go crazy, etc.

BPD has many causes and different diagnostic terms because of the different levels and stages.

As I stated before in between two episodes there is a long interval of time where the symptoms are decreased. You always have the symptoms but its during the episodes that they go out of control and ,in extreme conditions, can cause you to kill/hurt yourself or someone else (APA). The episodes can be manic, depressive, or mixed (switching on an off). Symptoms of a manic episode consist of feelings of euphoria, lack of inhibitions, racing thoughts, lack of sleep, talking a lot, risk taking, and irritability; in extreme cases it can cause psychotic symptoms and hallucinations (GEAM; Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine). Symptoms of depressive episodes are low energy, feeling of despair, difficulty concentrating, extreme fatigue, and psychomotor retardation (slowed mental and physical ability's) (GEAM). There is no telling how long an episode can last because each...