"The Bill of Rights" Amendment explination also Philosopher that inspired Bill of Rights.

Essay by L33t_chix0rHigh School, 10th grade November 2005

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The Bill of Rights is a series of amendments 1-10. These amendments guarantee freedom of speech, right to a jury, freedom of the press and other rights.

One such right in Amendment I tells how Congress shall make no law decimating against religion, or prohibiting the freedom to worship religion; or destroying the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to protest reasonably.

The second Amendment States that a person has the right to bear arms, in other words own a gun so that in case of an emergency (as in another revolution) we can defend ourselves. The government has no right to destroy this amendment and any other amendment. It also says that the people have the right to form a militia at any emergency.

The third Amendment says that in time of war or peace no military or such shall stay in a civilians home without permission, such as the red coats did to the Americans.

Fourth Amendment says that possession shall not be taken of any items or property without permission or a warrant it is also 9/10 the law. Without this amendment we could have our houses seized by government and out personal items by anybody and you couldn't get them back.

Amendment V, stating no one convicted of a crime can be deemed guilty until in front of a grand jury and judge, that no torture or deprived of life liberty and property.

So, that any person in custody by the government or state be in danger of losing life or limb under any circumstances and that property can't be seized for public use without permission.

Amendment VI says a person prosecuted has all right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and...