Christopher Columbus' enslavement and exploitation of the Caribbean's Amerindians. Also, his reasons for searching for new colonies.

Essay by Petra1986College, UndergraduateB, April 2004

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SECTION 1 : The Discovery of Hispaniola.

Columbus made his voyages to the New World for many reasons. One of them is because he wanted to display his capabilities in being an experienced navigator and man of the sea. Before finally going to ask for the assistance of Spain, Christopher Columbus went to the Portuguese with his plan of getting to America via the route around Africa. Unfortunately, they refused because they already knew about the passage and explored it as well. Therefore, Columbus had no other choice than to find another ward. Hence, came the idea of asking Spain. They accepted his request. Spain, however, had reasons for accepting Columbus' request. They mainly wanted to gain some form of revenue for themselves because they spent all their finances in their struggle to chase the Moors out of Spain. They did not want the Moors there because they refused to accept the concepts and rules of the Catholic religion.

Columbus wanted to become a rich man by claiming new, distant colonies for Spain. After he was given three broken - down, rather worm eaten ships (the Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria), Columbus set off toward new opportunities and riches. He also had the dream (like every other European man of the day) of finding "El Dorado." He wanted to find gold for Spain and in the process claim something for himself. The prospect of a higher social status and special treatment from the Queen, Isabella and her husband, Fernidand, was too tempting to ignore.

However, somewhere along the way, Columbus miscalculated and the ships got lost at sea. His shipmates, a body of men made up by convicts and murderers, wanted to start a mutiny and throw him overboard. Fortunately, they discovered land soon and Columbus' life was...