Communism Under Lenin & Stalin

Essay by jordan8900 September 2004

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Manos Mathew

Prof. Witko

World History I


Communism is the system of political and economic organization in which the state or community owns the property, and all citizens share in the common wealth, more or less according to their need. Many small communist communities have existed at one time or another, most of them on a religious basis, generally under the inspiration of a literal interpretation of Scripture. Communism has been a widespread influence in much of Eastern Europe, especially in Russia and their subsequent possessions where communism had been passed on. Russian communism was spread through its two most prominent leaders, Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. In order to understand why these two leaders where important figures for communism growing in Russia, we must first dissect how communism was under each of their rule.

Before Vladimir Lenin had ever taken power he wrote books expressing his political ideologies and how Russia should be shaped into.

He scorned such views as bourgeois; "to him, socialism meant a dictatorship of the proletariat exercising absolute control over all political and economic matters." (Christman 6). Lenin felt the dictatorship of the proletariat was only the first step towards his ultimate goal of communism in Russia. Lenin had postulated for Russia to aim at the bourgeois-democratic revolution, under the leadership of the working class and its party, as a result there would be a gradual growth into a socialist revolution. (Leonard 48) Lenin attempted to adapt the Marxist theory to Russian conditions and he attempted to fix Russia's revolutionary problems. As Lenin went beyond his attempts his cause gained momentum by the national revolutionary movements in the colonial and dependent countries, these countries would later be allies of the movement in Eastern Europe. Lenin rose to power following a cascade of events...