Compare and contrast the role of Lenin and Trotsky in establishing and contributing to the communist state in Russia from 1917-1924.

Essay by KeirCollege, UndergraduateA-, April 2005

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Lenin and Trotsky had both been able to contribute to the establishment and consolidation of a communist state in Russia 1917-24. In the beginning, before the Civil War, Lenin's past seemed to be the one of spreading ideology to communism by his speeches, slogans and other forms of propaganda. On the other hand, Trotsky was more of a realist. He took care of the action the Bolsheviks had to take in order to be successful. He, assumingly, led the Bolshevik riots in the July days and defeated the Provisional Government. He was also the one to have led the Bolsheviks to victory in the Civil War.

Lenin's ideal way of spreading communism was mainly by brainwashing the Russian people. We he returned to Russia in 1917 he published his April Thesis calling out for Peace Bread and Land, appealing to the people because it was the least they demanded and what the P.G.

had been unable to offer. Lenin was a brilliant speaker and was soon able to appeal and gain support of the people. This brainwashing can clearly be seen later through the fanatical devotion of the Red Army which served him. It was also seen as one reason the Bolsheviks won the war. The soldiers in the Red Army were devoted to him and held strong beliefs that they were fighting for communism and hence a better world.

His rule after the October Revolution was not so appealing however. When elections were held at the end of 1917 for the new government, the Bolsheviks lost against the Social Revolutionaries. He killed all those opposed to his rule which he extended to decree. Thus illustrating his brutality in seizing power and would be repeated again.

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