Compare, Contrast Systems: Windows XP, Windows 2000 Advance Sever, and Windows Server 2003

Essay by maguirre2005University, Bachelor'sA, January 2007

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Primarily, the various aspects of any company in order to design an infrastructure that will align with their needs are decisive and valuable. Certainly, the operating system (OS) is a program that allows us to interact with our computers; this includes all of the software programs and hardware on our computers.

However, the two methods by which we can communicate are the command-line operating system similar to the old DOS commands; if a text command is typed the computer responds according to the command, or the graphical user interface or GUI operating system similar to the current Windows that everyone is familiar with. Hence, interacting with the computer through an interface that uses pictures and buttons makes the computer respond to the commands. Perhaps, Windows XP is by far a system that uses the GUI to the fullest extent for ease of the person using the computer.

Unquestionably, there is an obvious difference in cost between the different operating systems, and a better known OS is of course Windows XP which is the newest version in a line of GUIs developed by Microsoft Corporation.

The average cost of Windows XP is $299.00 for each computer installation which can only be installed on one computer. For this cost you are eligible for product updates which normally come out in response to security issues that surface between major product releases by Microsoft. There is an abundance of books, website forums and schools that deal with nothing but how to learn improve and take care of Windows XP. And this cost for the Windows OS does not include the other software that you normally require to be a productive member of a company or a student in school. With out discounts this can add an additional $700.00 to a $1000.00 on the purchase...