Compassion in Oliver Twist. Discusses three characters who express compassion throughout the novel.

Essay by celestynHigh School, 12th gradeA, December 2002

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Thesis: In Oliver Twist Charles Dickens creates many characters capable of great compassion, as seen in Mrs. Bedwin, Rose Maylie, and Nancy.

In Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens introduces the reader to the concepts of good vs. evil. Dickens writes about the constant hostility between good and evil, with evil continually trying to damage and abuse the good. Many emotions portray themselves in the novel such as love, hate, vengeance, and selfishness; but the one sentiment that is at times overpowered in the novel is compassion. In Oliver Twist Charles Dickens creates many characters capable of great compassion as seen in Mrs. Bedwin, Rose Maylie, and Nancy.

Mrs. Bedwin is a kindhearted, considerate and "motherly old lady" (p78) who willingly nurses Oliver back to health despite his encounters with sin. Although she doesn't know much about Oliver, she remains sure of her certainty that he possesses the qualities of innocence.

Mrs. Bedwin provides the young and despairing Oliver with his first real encounter of motherly qualities. Such an example is when

...the old lady very gently placed Oliver's head upon the pillow; and, smoothing back his hair from his forehead, looked so kindly and lovingly in his face, that he could not help placing his little withered hand in hers, and drawing it round his neck. (p.78)

Mrs. Bedwin cares for Oliver not just because his frail and weak body is deserving of it, but also because she knows in her loving heart that her goodness will help save the innocence that conceals itself in Oliver's torn and injured soul. Mrs. Bedwin's sympathy for Oliver portrays her strong compassion for him.

Rose Maylie has had her own experiences of misery, cruelty, and indignity, which allow her to understand Oliver's needs, and she offers him her comfort and refuge. Rose...